Friday, October 9, 2009

Blackjack & Barkley, the boys . . .

Black & White.
Blackie loved playing with Judy's neighbor, Steve and Tara Ulm's Great Pyrnees, Avalanche, aka. Avi. They would play for hours, then have a great nights sleep. Sadly, Avi had a brief life due to cancer.
BB - Before Barkley

Barkley stands inside the screen door at his Mommy's house. I was grilling and looking at Barks. I had my camera with me and took this shot. It has a faux linen finish. This is his typical face, he's a happy dog and he's always smiling.

Born Sept. 25, 2002
Here's one year old Blackjack. Judy and I went to Montrose, Colorado, on the Western Slope. We went with Heidi and Troy over the 4th of July weekend. They have two sheba inus, Toby and Timmy. We sat at a place where we could see the fireworks. The dogs were okay, but the loud booms shook them up.

Barkley, born Feburary 4, 2000. I love his puppy picture, probably not long after he had Puppy Breath. Something they have for a short period of time. He lived with his first Mommy, it was a college graduation present for her. Although she got a job working 8 hours a day, then she was going to school for her Masters. She was gone for long periods during the day and she'd come home late, only to hear him crying. Knowing that made me sad. She decided to give him away to someone who would love him and take him in to foster or adopt. Rebecca Frazer brought him by to introduce him to Judy and I, her intentions were to have us foster Barks until a family was found for him. We saw him he interacted with Blackie, Within 10 minutes, we knew he was home. Blackjack welcomed him into his home. Blackjack is so mellow and friendly, he was fine with Barks, Barks felt abandoned, confused for a while, but soon they became such book ends, they became brothers. or as we say Brudders. There's a little known fact that pet owners develop a language with their pets.
We got Barks in November 2005. He came with a few toys and his doggie dish, collar and his constant smile.

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